SSC CGL Recruitment 2022 Notification Apply Online

 एसएससी सीजीएल भर्ती 2022 का नोटिफिकेशन जारी

एसएससी सीजीएल भर्ती का नोटिफिकेशन 20000 से अधिक पदों के लिए जारी किया गया है। इस भर्ती के लिए योग्य अभ्यर्थी ऑनलाइन मोड में आवेदन कर सकते हैं। एसएससी सीजीएल भर्ती 2022 के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन 17 सितंबर 2022 से 13 अक्टूबर 2022 तक भर सकते हैं। एसएससी सीजीएल भर्ती 2022 के लिए योग्यता, आयु सीमा, आवेदन शुल्क एवं सभी जानकारी नीचे दी गई है। अभ्यर्थी आवेदन करने से पहले एक बार ऑफिशल नोटिफिकेशन जरूर देखें।

SSC CGL Recruitment 2022 Overview

Organization Name Staff Selection Commission (SSC)
Post Name Various Graduate Level Posts
Advt No. SSC CGL 2022
Vacancies 20000+
Salary/ Pay Scale Varies Post Wise
Job Location All India
Mode of Apply Online
Start form 17/09/2022
Last Date to Apply 13/10/2022
Official Website

SSC CGL Recruitment 2022 Application fee

एसएससी सीजीएल रिक्रूटमेंट 2022 में सामान्य, ओबीसी और ईडब्ल्यूएस वर्ग के लिए आवेदन शुल्क ₹100 रखा गया है. जबकि एससी, एसटी, पीडब्ल्यूडी, एक्स सर्विसमैन के लिए आवेदन निशुल्क रहेगा.

SSC CGL Recruitment 2022 Age Limit

एसएससी सीजीएल भर्ती 2022 में अलग-अलग पदों के लिए आयु सीमा अलग-अलग रखी गई है. आयु सीमा की विस्तृत जानकारी के लिए अभ्यर्थी ऑफिशल नोटिफिकेशन को देखें. आयु सीमा की गणना 1 जनवरी 2023 को आधार मानकर की जाएगी. जबकि आरक्षित वर्गों को नियमानुसार अधिकतम आयु सीमा में छूट दी गई है.

SSC CGL Recruitment 2022 Educational Qualifications

एसएससी सीजीएल भर्ती 2022 के लिए शैक्षणिक योग्यता ग्रेजुएट या समकक्ष रखी गई है. विस्तृत जानकारी के लिए आवेदन ऑफिशल नोटिफिकेशन को विजिट करें.

Post Name Department SSC CGL Post Wise Eligibility
Assistant Audit Officer Indian Audit & Accounts Department under C&AG Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or Institute.



Age Limit : 18-30 Years.

Assistant Accounts Officer Indian Audit & Accounts Department under C&AG Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or Institute.



Age Limit : 18-30 Years.

Assistant Section Officer Central Secretariat Service Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 20-30 Years.

Assistant Section Officer Intelligence Bureau Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 18-30 Years.

Assistant Section Officer Ministry of Railway Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 20-30 Years.

Assistant Section Officer Ministry of External Affairs Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 20-30 Years.

Assistant Section Officer AFHQc Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 20-30 Years.

Assistant Section Officer Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 18-30 Years.

Assistant Other Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 20-30 Years.

Assistant Section Officer Other Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 18-30 Years.

Inspector of Income Tax CBDT Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 18-30 Years.

Inspector, (CGST & Central Excise) CBIC Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 18-30 Years.

Inspector (Preventive Officer) CBIC Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 18-30 Years.

Inspector (Examiner) CBIC Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 18-30 Years.

Assistant Enforcement Officer Directorate of Enforcement, Department of Revenue Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 18-30 Years.

Sub Inspector Central Bureau of Investigation Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 20-30 Years.

Inspector Posts Department of Post Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 18-30 Years.

Inspector Central Bureau of Narcotics Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 18-30 Years.

Assistant/ Superintendent Indian Coast Guard Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 18-30 Years.

Assistant Other Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 18-30 Years.

Assistant National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or Institute.



Age Limit : 18-30 Years.

Research Assistant National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or Institute.



Age Limit : 18-30 Years.

Divisional Accountant Offices under C&AG Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 18-30 Years.

Sub Inspector National Investigation Agency (NIA) Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 18-30 Years.

Junior Statistical Officer (JSO) M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation. Bachelor’s Degree in any subject from a recognized University or Institutewith at least 60% Marks in Mathematics at 12th standard level;  or  Bachelor’s Degree in any subject with Statistics as one of the subjects at degree level.



Age Limit : 18-32 Years.

Statistical Investigator Grade-II Registrar General of India Bachelor’s Degree in any subject with Statistics as one of the subjects from a recognized University or Institute. The candidates must have studied Statistics as a subject in all the three years or all the 6 semesters of the graduation course



Age Limit : 18-30 Years.

Auditor Offices under C&AG Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 18-27 Years.

Auditor Other Ministry/ Departments Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 18-27 Years.

Auditor Offices under CGDA Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 18-27 Years.

Accountant Offices under C&AG Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 18-27 Years.

Accountant/ Junior Accountant Other Ministry/ Departments Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 18-27 Years.

Senior Secretariat Assistant/ Upper Division Clerks Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 18-27 Years.

Senior Secretariat Assistant/ Upper Division Clerks Central Govt. Offices/ Ministries other than CSCS cadres. Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 18-27 Years.

Tax Assistant CBDT Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 18-27 Years.

Tax Assistant CBIC Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 18-27 Years.

Sub-Inspector Central Bureau of Narcotics Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



Age Limit : 18-27 Years.

SSC CGL Recruitment 2022 Selection Process

एसएससी सीजीएल भर्ती 2022 के लिए सिलेक्शन प्रोसेस की प्रक्रिया इस प्रकार रखी गई है.

  • Tier-1: Written Exam (CBT)
  • Tier-2: Written Exam (CBT)
  • Tier-3: Descriptive Test (Essay, Letter)
  • Tier-4: DEST/ CPT
  • Document Verification
  • Medical Examination

SSC CGL Recruitment 2022 Syllabus & Exam Pattern

Combined Graduate Level Examination 2022 परीक्षा 4 चरणों में आयोजित की जाएगी. एसएससी सीजीएल की परीक्षा में 4 चरण होते हैं. प्रत्येक चरणकी तैयारी के लिए समय दिया जाता है. चारों चरण की परीक्षा अलग-अलग तिथि को होती है. जिसके लिए एसएससी की ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट पर नोटिस जारी किया जाता है. जैसा कि ऊपर बताया गया है सबसे पहले आपको सीबीटी फर्स्ट देना होता है. इसमें पास होने पर फिर टियर 2 और टियर 3 देना होता है. इसके बाद यदि आपने कुछ खास पदों के लिए आवेदन किया होगा तो ही आपको टियर 4 के लिए बुलाया जाएगा. यदि कोई अभ्यर्थी टियर 4 पास नहीं कर पाता है तो उसे वह पद दिए जाएंगे जिनके लिए कंप्यूटर प्रोफिशिएंसी की जरूरत नहीं है. और उनका ग्रेड पे भी कम होता है. इसलिए अगर आप चाहते हैं कि आपको अच्छी पोस्ट मिले, तो आपको कंप्यूटर टेस्ट के लिए भी थोड़ी मेहनत करनी चाहिए.

Tier Type of Exam Mode of Exam
Tier – I Objective Multiple Choice Computer-Based (Online)
Tier – II Objective Multiple Choice Computer-Based (Online)
Tier – III Descriptive Paper in English or Hindi Pen and Paper mode (Offline)
Tier – IV Skill Test: Data Entry Speed Test (DEST)/ Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) Wherever Applicable (Not necessary for all the post)
Document Verification Applicable for all


SSC CGL Recruitment 2022 Important links

Start SSC CGL Online form 17 September 2022
Last Date Online Application form 13 October 2022
Apply Online Click Here
Official Notification Click Here
Official Website Click Here



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